Here’s a handy list of my social media and all the things I’m involved in, in some way or another. Drop me a follow if any of this is up your street.
My social media:
YouTube: www.youtube.com/martingreypoet
Instagram: www.instagram.com/martin_grey_poet/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/martingreypoet
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-grey-1552b41ba
My publisher:
Fly on the Wall Poetry, the fantastic, socially conscious, national award nominated indie press who are publishing my first book, The Prettyboys of Gangster Town: www.flyonthewallpoetry.co.uk/product-page/the-prettyboys-of-gangster-town-by-martin-grey
Other things I’m involved in:
DIY Poets, the most wonderful bunch of bards you’ll ever meet, with lots of events, a free poetry zine, trips to fringe festivals and tons of other lovely stuff: www.diypoets.com
World Jam, Nottingham’s global poetry and music community, featuring writing workshops, livestreams, submission callouts, an anthology and poetry translation, amongst other things: www.worldjam.co.uk